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Daily Stock News

Today’s Featured Story
Cheap defensive stocks are poised to outperform if we see sustained market rotation, and BIPC and AMT are two good-looking choices.
Other Featured Stories
You know diversity is important in an investment portfolio. Learn how to find the best foreign stocks to include in your investments.
Small-cap stocks have rallied strongly this month. Have investors finally woken up to the potential? And can small-cap stocks continue to move higher?
Volatile stocks can be exhausting to have in your portfolio. And that’s why you should avoid these three volatile stocks.
With interest rates expected to fall in the next few months, now is a prime opportunity for investors to consider buying gold and other interest rate-sensitive assets.
The “Golden Cross” and “Death Cross” are two moving average crossovers often cited by technical analysts. But can you trade on them, and do they beat buy-and-hold or dollar-cost averaging?
It’s only been a week. But small-cap stocks are suddenly on a tear – in stark contrast to their large-cap brethren. Does it mean an extended small-cap rally has arrived? Let’s examine.
What seemed like a sci-fi dream 50 years ago is getting closer to reality, but is now the time to invest in flying car stocks?
With inflation numbers finally softening and Federal Reserve Chairman Powell telegraphing rate cuts in September (or sooner), the biggest turnaround catalyst of 2024 may finally be here.
The FAANGs are the biggest growth stocks on the market today. What are the companies most likely to be the next FAANG stocks?
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You have $10,000 to invest, but do you know how to invest in stocks to create a profitable stock portfolio?
Do you avoid reverse stock splits, or are you intrigued by them? Here’s some insight on the wins and the losses. Keep reading for more.
I break the best investment sites for small cap investors into three categories: idea generation, stock analysis, idea capture.
Moat stocks are shares of companies with powerful economic moats that help ensure profitability for the long haul. They’re also a favorite of legendary investor Warren Buffett.
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