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Income Advisor
Conservative investing. Double-digit income.
The S&P spent most of the first half of July setting new highs. But that changed last week. The technology sector sold off on news of new AI chip export restrictions to China. The S&P fell about 2% for the week, giving up most of the gains for July. It may be a blip. It probably is. But the market is high, and stocks showed vulnerability to bad headlines.

A flatter or down market going forward makes income more valuable. The cash register continues to ring regardless of short-term market gyrations. At the same time, many income stocks are still cheap, and interest rates are likely to trend lower from here.

Some of the very best income stocks are in the energy sector. After recent price shocks and other problems in the energy sector, investors are coming around to realizing energy is a strong business that isn’t going anywhere for a long time.

In this issue, I highlight one of the best natural gas companies on the market. It is a newly formed company in the business of exporting abundant and cheap American natural gas overseas. It’s big business. In a short time, this company has become one of the world’s biggest natural gas exporters.

Wow. Just wow. Not only has this market rally continued to forge on, it’s broadened out too. After a 14.5% gain in the first half of this year, the S&P is putting together an impressive July with a better than 3% gain so far.

The latest leg of this rally has been sparked by a better-than-expected June CPI report. Interest rate optimism abounds. Consensus now expects a Fed rate cut before the end of the year and an increased expectation that overall interest rates have peaked and are likely to trend lower for the rest of the year.
Sell USB November 19th $60 calls at $2.30 or better