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Cannabis Investor
Profit from the Best Cannabis Stocks
Cannabis stocks are unloved and in the doldrums.

Typically, in the stock market, that’s the best time to buy.

Neglected stocks offer the best value, as long as there are potential catalysts on the horizon.

I believe that is the case with cannabis. You’ll just have to be patient. I think it is worth being patient for the possibility of 30%-50% gains when a catalyst strikes. There is no guarantee this will happen, but as I discuss below, the odds are good.
Old-school value managers like Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett used to have a funny way of describing their investing style.

They said value stocks were like cigar butts on the sidewalk that had a few puffs left in them.

I’d like to offer an updated version of this metaphor. I think cannabis stocks have a few more puffs left in them between now and the end of the year.

Cannabis names are thoroughly unloved and abandoned once again.
Cannabis sector negativity and weakness persists, so the group continues to be a buy.

Now it is time to continue to average in at current prices, ahead of the next catalyst-induced move up.