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Options for Your Options: Why We Added a Second Options Guru

With the addition of Andy Crowder, Cabot Wealth Network now has an options dual threat that gives you wide exposure to any type of trading.


Data analysis. Analytics. Businessman sitting and monitoring statistics on many computer screens.

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Let’s get one thing straight: Jacob Mintz isn’t leaving. Jacob will remain Chief Analyst of our Cabot Options Trader, Cabot Options Trader Pro and Cabot Profit Booster advisories as long as he wants to be. But as many of you have noticed, we’ve added to our options trading stable by hiring veteran options trader Andy Crowder to run our brand new Cabot Options Institute advisories.

I’ve known Andy for more than a decade, having worked with him previously at a different investment advice publisher. He is one of the smartest, savviest, most fearless investors I know – options or otherwise. But the real reason we hired him is that his approach to options trading perfectly complements Jacob’s style.

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Rather than elaborate further in my own words, I let Jacob and Andy answer some of the many questions they’ve received from you, our faithful Cabot readers.

Here is that conversation:

Answering Your Options Questions for Jacob and Andy

Jacob, are you leaving?!?

Jacob: I’m not going anywhere ... at least no one has told me so. In all seriousness, I very much enjoy the relationships I have built over the last 10 years with longtime Cabot Options Trader subscribers and look forward to another 10 years (or more) of racking up profits for you all.

Good to hear. But who exactly is Andy, and do you trust him?

Jacob: Even though we’ve only worked together a short time, it’s clear to me that Andy is very sharp. He comes from a trading and writing background and I think very highly of him. I absolutely trust Andy.

What is the difference in your services and Andy’s?

Jacob: I am open to trading all types of strategies. What I mean is I am mostly a home run hitter when buying calls and puts, as well as bull and bear call spreads. That being said, I am also open to selling options via covered calls, iron condors, etc., when I think the opportunity is right. Essentially, I am open to any strategy, while Andy prefers to mostly sell options. But I’ll let him tell you how he trades options…

Andy, tell me about your approach.

Andy: I take a quantitative approach to trading options. I use statistics to place trades with a high probability of success ... and use volatility to identify opportunities and to determine the appropriate strategy for the current situation. Yes, I predominantly sell options because I always want to have the statistics on my side.

The big difference, I think, is that Jacob is a momentum trader, hence the reason why he publishes and discusses unusual volume. However, I don’t sell options exclusively; the Fundamentals advisory, while selling premium, actually uses diagonal debit spreads (buying).

Jacob, why is Cabot promoting two different option traders on the same platform for clients? Is it more or less a conflict of interest for your advisory?

Jacob: Cabot is simply “beefing up” their options-related offerings. Much like Tim Lutts or Mike Cintolo or Tyler Laundon recommending growth stocks, but in different subcategories.

Andy is not a “threat” to me at all as he will be mostly selling options, while I buy AND sell options depending on the situation.

So, if I were to subscribe to both Jacob’s and Andy’s options services, what would be the benefit? And is it worth subscribing to both, or should I pick one depending on what type of options trader I am?

Jacob: In everyone’s portfolios they should have a singles/doubles approach as well as a home run hitter, so you really get the best of both worlds if you subscribe to both.

Perhaps Andy is better in a bear market like the one we’re in now. However, as I showed coming out of the pandemic, when the market turns, I will have some MONSTER wins.

Andy: Jacob and I have different styles, and both of us have been successful in bull, bear and sideways markets using our respective strategies. If anything, subscribing to both is giving you access to a wider approach to the market ... much like diversifying your overall portfolio.
