May 2023
Online scams are already more common than ever and unlikely to slow down anytime soon. Let’s look at the most common types of scams, red flags to avoid, steps to take if you’re worried you’ve been a target or victim, and what you can do to help keep your friends and relatives safe online.
FAANG stocks have been the kings of the investing world for years, but with some underperformance and a new slate of safe-haven tech stocks, is it time to switch up the roster?
Inflation’s bullish impact on precious metals prices has been held back by dollar strength. That could be changing.
Although federal efforts to push through cannabis reforms have failed, recent Florida polls show powerful support for legalization.
Last month’s banking crisis categorically punished regional banks, many of them unfairly. These 2 looks like they’re worth buying at a discount.
Higher volatility in the big banks equates to higher options premium, here’s how I plan on playing the bank dip.
In the midst of a multiyear bear market for biotechs there’s still opportunity, like these 3 stocks trading for less than the cash on their balance sheets.
The financial media often writes about year-to-date performance as if a new calendar year is the kick-off to a football game. But there’s a better way to think about performance.
The Fed’s rate hikes are already showing signs of tamping down inflation, but that process can take years, which makes these two inflation-resistant stocks good options for the long haul.
If you’d asked a year ago I wouldn’t have connected the dots, but my recent experience with maple sugaring has a couple small-cap industrials on my mind for a good reason.
Covered calls are one of the safest option strategies available and can even reduce your overall portfolio risk while generating income. Here’s how.