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Get the best investment ideas from the best minds on Wall Street with Dick Davis Digest. if you subscribe before December 31, you’ll not only receive a full year of these winning ideas, but you’ll be guaranteed to get our 2010 Top Stock Picks Special Issue when it’s released in January. Don’t delay, this offer won’t be around for long. Click below to get started today!
We receive a lot of email here at Cabot and we’re glad that you, our readers, enjoy writing to us so much because we really like getting the chance to correspond with you on an individual basis. Today is going to be a mash-up of answering readers’ questions from our Cabot Wealth Advisory survey and emails. Enjoy!
I recently received the same question from several readers, so I’m guessing that more of you are wondering the same thing. “Where can I find the Special Reports being offered to new subscribers if I’m a current subscriber?”
You can find all of the Special Reports once you log in to the Web site and click on your subscriptions. Each publication has a designated section for Special Reports and other tools that can help you take advantage of all your subscription has to offer.
Recently, I received an email from a subscriber in response to one of my Cabot Wealth Advisories and I wrote back shortly after it landed in my inbox. I then got a response from the reader who was absolutely incredulous that I had personally written back and in such a short time.
I responded again telling the reader that we at Cabot take pride in responding personally to as many emails as we can each day. Of course, sometimes it’s not possible to write back to each person who writes in to us, but the other editors and I really enjoy corresponding with our readers, and do so as much as possible.
Staying in touch with our readers, helps me keep a finger on the pulse of what you want us to be writing about, what you’re unhappy with and how we can serve you better.
In that same vein, I read all of the responses to the survey at the bottom of each issue of Cabot Wealth Advisory. I collect them every quarter or so and distribute them to the rest of the Cabot staff so everyone knows what our readers are thinking and what we can improve.
Today I want to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to fill out the survey and urge those who haven’t to do so. And now, to some of the survey results …
Question: “My eyes are getting weak. I can’t read a lot anymore.”
My response: On our new Web site, http://www.cabot.net, you can read almost everything in larger text, including Cabot Wealth Advisories. All you have to do is go to the site, click on the article you want to read and increase the text size by clicking on the “A” with the arrow on top of it near the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will increase the text size of the article to make the type easier to read. Unfortunately, we can’t make the text size in our emails bigger because we send them all in plain text to reach the widest audience possible.
Question: “Interesting. Smuckers is not the usual type of suggestion we get from Cabot. It is good to see you have an open mind.” And I subscribe to three Cabot Newsletters. All three give me multiple buy suggestions ... more than I am financially able to process. How do I choose which to buy? Or, should I subscribe to only one Newsletter?”
My response: While we do focus primarily on our growth publications and the stocks found in them (because most of our newsletters use our growth strategy), we also include stock selections from our other newsletters, like Cabot Benjamin Graham Value Letter, where the Smucker recommendation came from. On our new Web site, we created a quiz that can help you determine which Cabot letters are right for you. Take it here: http://www.cabot.net/Subcontent/Which-Publication.aspx
Question: “Cabot Wealth Advisory may be the straw that causes me to take over responsibility from my financial advisor.”
My response: One of our main goals at Cabot is to give you the tools you need to become more financially independent and better able to manage your own finances. Some of our newsletters have strict portfolio allocations to follow for those who lack time or experience to plan this on their own. Some of our other newsletters are great sources of new stock ideas for more experienced investors who want to assemble their own portfolios. There’s truly something for everyone. We also try to include an educational component in all of our publications so that you gain the confidence you need to manage your finances with or without a financial advisor.
Question: “Do all of your newsletters suggest sell and buy signals on the stocks recommended?”
My response: Yes, all of our publications will tell you the best time to buy via a buy range or Maximum Buy Price. And when it’s time to sell, you’ll find that information in the newsletters’ issues, Updates or Special Alerts if it comes between issues. We try to provide all the tools you need to invest on your own individual stocks, including buy and sell recommendations.
Question: “Perhaps some discussion of your indicators that you use to determine whether we should be bullish or a bear on the market.”
My response: From time to time, our editors will discuss the market timing indicators that we use in our paid publications in Cabot Wealth Advisory. Editor Michael Cintolo (Cabot Market Letter and Cabot Top Ten Report) has also written about other important indicators that can be used to determine where the market is headed. You can read these, and all past issues, on our Web site archives. And you can find more about Cabot market timing indicators in the Education section of our Web site.
And now here are a few very nice testimonials from the survey:
“Amusing, insightful with its nuggets of truth popping out of the paragraphs.”
“Most of your issues are very good and I enjoy them.”
“Very well done, concise and to the point.”
“Your letter is always most informative and helpful.”
Again, thanks to everyone who took the time to take our survey. Please take a few minutes today to add your thoughts if you haven’t already: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=2ST_2bMnpN6p5sTBptmMRbcQ_3d_3d
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Profit with the #1 Newsletter
Cabot China & Emerging Markets Report is the #1 newsletter for the last five years, according to Hulbert Financial Digest. Over the long term, our time-proven strategy is beating the market by an incredible 32 times: earning 181% while the market earned just 5.6%.
Let Paul Goodwin, our resident China and emerging markets expert, be your guide to the enormous profit opportunities in this area, as he picks the top stocks using Cabot’s proven growth investing strategy.
In case you didn’t get a chance to read all the issues of Cabot Wealth Advisory this week and want to catch up on any investing and stock tips you might have missed, I have links below to each issue.
Cabot Wealth Advisory 12/14/09 – What You Need to Know About Carbon Sequestration
On Monday, Timothy Lutts wrote about what he learned at a recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology (delete to attend a) sequestration seminar and industry panel. Tim also discussed the rise and fall of a fuel cell technology company Ballard Power Systems. Tim finished by writing about a low-priced stock that’s breaking into the renewable energy business big-time.
Cabot Wealth Advisory 12/17/09 – The Decade in Verse
On Thursday, Paul Goodwin started out with a poem re-capping the last decade in the stock market, from Y2K to Bernie Madoff. Paul also offered some investing New Year’s resolutions. Paul finished by discussing a fast-growing Chinese company. Featured stock: CNinsure (CISG).
Until next time,
Elyse Andrews
Editor of Cabot Wealth Advisory
Editor’s Note: Get the best investment ideas from the best minds on Wall Street with Dick Davis Digest. if you subscribe before December 31, you’ll not only receive a full year of these winning ideas, but you’ll be guaranteed to get our 2010 Top Stock Picks Special Issue when it’s released in January. Don’t delay, this offer won’t be around for long. Click below to get started today!