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How Cabot Helped Get One Oscar-Nominated Film Made

Cabot subscribers have shared their successes with us in the past, but none quite like this. Here’s the story of how Cabot helped get one Oscar-nominated film made.

Oscar replica golden award in a souvenir store

Earlier this year in the run-up to the annual super-event we call the Oscars, I was delighted to discover that the Executive Producer for one of the nominees for best documentary of 2024 was Niraj Bhatia who has been a longtime subscriber to Cabot Growth Investor.

It’s not every day I know someone who has been nominated for an Oscar, so I sent Niraj my congratulations on this accomplishment.

In response, he sent me a very nice story about how he was introduced to the Cabot world and the role Cabot has played in his professional pursuits. I was truly touched to hear first-hand how Cabot helped a longtime customer achieve significant personal goals and asked him if I could share this with you. His letter follows.


Dear Ed,

In 1972, my father, Ramesh, was a young man in a big city working as a mechanical engineer in New York.

At the time, Barron’s was one of the best ways for people to promote their businesses, especially financial businesses.

My father happened upon an issue of Barron’s that mentioned a newsletter of a company called Cabot and the man who started it, Carlton Lutts. My dad made a mental note, but otherwise went on about his business and didn’t think about it again.

Not long after, my father went to a client’s office, and as soon as he walked in he noticed a Cabot newsletter sitting on the person’s desk. Remembering the Barron’s article, he asked the client if he had a subscription to Cabot. The client confirmed he did, so my father asked his opinion on Cabot’s newsletter.

The client was emphatic saying simply but genuinely “It’s the best newsletter I’ve ever read.” Immediately my father returned to his office and subscribed to Cabot’s newsletter.

Since that day in 1972, my father has faithfully read Cabot’s newsletter. Every release, every issue, every newsletter that Carlton released my father read.

For as long as I can remember, my father taught me financial management and the importance of building wealth from an early age. Because of him, I read Cabot as well and tried to follow their strategies, advice, and insights.

What struck me immediately was how Cabot was written; anyone, regardless of financial education or background, could read and understand it. The newsletter included relatable references to sports, marriage, anything and everything about life. And these examples would break down the market in a simplified, digestible way for the average person. It was actually fun to read.

Then when you start following their advice, you see the incredible amount of work that went into their analysis, their aggregation of data, and decisions of what stocks to invest in. It gave readers the confidence and drive to continue their financial journey with Cabot. You knew you were in good hands. And if you continued to trust in Cabot, you could make double-digit returns almost every year.

Herein lies the real beauty of my father using Cabot and teaching me: it creates generational wealth that can then be used to accomplish meaningful personal goals and dreams. Through Cabot’s advice, my family has been able to create philanthropic organizations which in turn has enriched the lives of so many others, especially those who are without the means to personally invest.

In my case, as an entrepreneur and filmmaker, Cabot’s advice allows me to invest in meaningful, impact-driven films and documentaries like To Kill a Tiger that reach an audience on a global scale and can help change the world.

I can do this only because of my father’s good sense of subscribing to Cabot and the accumulated wealth we earned by following Cabot for over fifty years.

Niraj Bhatia
Founder and President, Om Films
Executive Producer, 2024 Oscar-nominated To Kill a Tiger
And longtime Cabot Subscriber

I am delighted that Cabot has played even a very small part in helping this excellent movie be made.

I would like to note that investing performance varies and past performance is never a guarantee of future results. Cabot helps people become smarter and more disciplined investors and smarter investors can avoid some common investing mistakes and take better advantage of certain opportunities. Of course, lagging the market or beating the market but still losing value are always possible outcomes. I don’t say that to scare you. I just want to be real with you.

I am delighted Cabot has helped Mr. Bhatia and his family have the investing success they’ve had. And while every customer’s experience is different, I have heard similar kinds of success stories from other subscribers and it is very gratifying. That is exactly what Cabot is here for, and success stories like theirs are why we have stayed in business for more than 50 years.

And, that’s what gets our team of expert analysts out of bed each day to bring you the investing education, research, and recommendations to help you improve your investing success.

Now, if only we can get Meryl Streep to subscribe.


Ed Coburn has run Cabot Wealth Network since 2018 when he bought the company from longtime friend and colleague Tim Lutts. Ed is a graduate of Cornell University and holds an MBA from the Olin School of Management at Babson College. His career has brought him into many different sectors of the economy, from software and healthcare to transportation and manufacturing, and even oil spills. He is active in the Financial Media Association, a past Director of the Software & Information Industry Association, a member of the American Association of Individual Investors, and a frequent speaker at industry events.