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Profit Booster
Make Money 3 Ways from Great Growth Stocks

December 22, 2021

Last Friday the Goodyear Tire (GT) December 23 call that we sold in late November for $1.17 expired worthless, leaving us with a stock position, and without a new call sale.

Goodyear Tire (GT)
Last Friday the Goodyear Tire (GT) December 23 call that we sold in late November for $1.17 expired worthless, leaving us with a stock position, and without a new call sale.

Today, as market conditions are improving (maybe) I am going to sell a new call against our GT stock holding to create even more yield.

To execute this trade you need to:
Sell to Open the GT January 22 Call (exp. 1/21/2022)

The price you should be able to sell this call for is approximately $0.45/$0.50.

After this new call sale, our breakeven will drop to $21.25.