Welcome to Cabot Options Institute Earnings Trader
Thank you for subscribing to Cabot Options Institute Earnings Trader and welcome!
For more than twenty years I have worked diligently on refining several of my favorite and most successful options strategies. My options strategies are not “get rich quick” strategies, rather statistically-sound options strategies based on three basic ideas – probabilities, mean-reversion and active risk-management.
After speaking with thousands of investors, I discovered that the majority of investors were not looking for a “get rich quick” scheme, or a foolproof method of trading options (we all know there isn’t one). What they wanted was a realistic method with a foundation in statistics. A method that used the strategies options professionals use. Option strategies based purely on probabilities, not emotional bias. Options strategies that employ capital preservation techniques (proper position-sizing and adjustments).
I look forward to helping you learn these strategies, while being your guide to regular, profitable trades, no matter what the market conditions are.
Weekly Issues
Every Monday, I will publish a weekly issue (even if it’s not earnings season) that covers companies that are due to announce the following week.
Within each weekly issue, you will be made aware of the companies that I plan to focus on plus several other trade ideas for those that wish to trade a bit more often on their own.
Regular Live Member Calls
Every Friday during earnings season, except for major holidays, we will get together for a live webinar. In each webinar we will discuss the trades made the prior week and the trades we are looking at for the following week. I will also answer any pertinent questions you may have regarding past trades, future trades or just anything options. Each webinar will be recorded and archived just in case you are not able to attend the live webinar.
Ongoing Alerts
During each earnings season I will issue between 1-4 alerts per week. Typically, I average about 8-10 alerts per earnings season. You will receive these alerts via email or text for immediate action.
Plus, I invite you to send an email to me at andy@cabotwealth.com if you have any questions about my recommendations or the market in general. I enjoy corresponding with subscribers very much as I feel it is beneficial to both of us.
I look forward to a long and profitable relationship.
Andy Crowder,
Chief Analyst, Cabot Options Institute, Cabot Options Institute Earnings Trader