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Quant Trader
Expert-Level Options for Sophisticated Traders

January 10, 2024

With just over one week left until expiration, and some potential short-term market-moving info ahead of us (CPI, earnings) I’m going to go ahead and do the prudent thing by taking our SPY bear call spread off the table.

S&P 500 ETF (SPY)

With just over one week left until expiration, and some potential short-term market-moving info ahead of us (CPI, earnings) I’m going to go ahead and do the prudent thing by taking our SPY bear call spread off the table.

I will be adding several additional trades prior to week’s end, including an iron condor. Stay tuned!

The Trade


Buy to Close SPY January 19, 2024, 475 call strike
Sell to Close SPY January 19, 2024, 480 call strike for a total of $2.75. (As always, the price of the spread will vary, so please adjust accordingly.)

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at