SPDR S&P 500 (SPY)
With 18 days left and little to no value left in our bear call spread, I have decided to take all risk off the table, lock in profits and move on to the next opportunity.
The Trade:
Buy to close SPY September 16, 2022, 439 call strike
Sell to close SPY September 16, 2022, 444 call strike for a total of $0.07 (As always, the price of the spread will vary, please adjust accordingly).
SPDR Dow Jones Industrials (DIA)
With 25 days left and little to no value left in our bear call spread, I have decided to take all risk off the table, lock in profits and move on to the next opportunity.
The Trade
Buy to close DIA September 23, 2022, 350 call strike
Sell to close DIA September 23, 2022, 355 call strike for a total of $0.08 (As always, the price of the spread will vary, so please adjust accordingly).