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This medical device maker beat earnings estimates by $0.27 last quarter, and fourteen analysts have increased their EPS forecasts for the company in the past 30 days.

This medical device maker beat earnings estimates by $0.27 last quarter, and fourteen analysts have increased their EPS forecasts for the company in the past 30 days.

Intuitive Surgical (ISRG)
From Shortex Market Letter

52-week high: 434.76
52-week low: 217.97
Market Cap: $48.41B
EPS: 7.75
P/E: 55.78

Intuitive Surgical (ISRG) is the medical device maker of the da Vinci Surgical System. The company has seen its stock double in 5 years, up 23% in 2018.

As robotic assisted surgery has been embraced by the medical community, sales of the da Vinci have been increasing by 15% per year, while 71% of the company’s total revenue stems from recovery sources.

Q4-17 Highlights: Worldwide procedures increased by 17%. Preliminary revenue of $892M up 18%. Shipped 216 da Vinci Surgical Systems v. 163 in ’16. Trading above 50 & 200-DMA since mid-Aug ’17. Being faced with periodic correction/retraction. (310-320) to (322-331) to (333-334) to (360-351) to (353-367) to (379- 387) to (389-405). Plunging (399-367) while in correction/ retraction mode. Reversal challenged 50-DMA at (378-381) to (387-392) gapped-up (398-420) to (423-430) to new highs. Volatile.

Buying Range: 410-430
Near Term Objective: 468
Inter Med Objective: 501
Stop Loss: 389

Joseph Parnes, Shortex Market Letter,, 800-877-6555, January 19, 2018