Sell Half
Tulia (TRLA)
from Top Stock Insights, recommended at $30 in the February 14, 2013, Daily Alert and Investment Digest issue 737.
It’s only been 7 months, but we’ve doubled our money with Internet real estate company (TRLA). This is a great little growth story that is being propelled along by the real estate recovery. Moreover, the proliferation of hand-held devices such as smartphones and tablets has helped web-based businesses like grab market share.
Despite the growth, I recommend selling half of your position in TRLA today. This will ensure you make a 100% return (if you bought at our recommendation price).
I’m not calling a “top” in shares of TRLA. But I do think that when we can get all of our initial capital back, and let the pure winnings ride, we’re striking the right balance between our desire to preserve capital and pursue growth.
Action to take: Sell half of your position in TRLA to lock in a 100% gain, and let the other half ride.
Tyler Laundon and Ian Wyatt, Top Stock Insights, 866-447-8625, September 13, 2013