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LinkedIn (LNKD)

Sell LinkedIn (LNKD)
from Cabot Growth Investor (formerly Cabot Market Letter)
Updated from Investment Digest 761, September 17, 2014

LinkedIn (LNKD) was crushed on earnings last week (due to worries over ad growth, currency swings and continued heavy investments) and hasn’t been able to find its footing since. We don’t think the stock...

Sell LinkedIn (LNKD)

from Cabot Growth Investor (formerly Cabot Market Letter)

Updated from Investment Digest 761, September 17, 2014

LinkedIn (LNKD) was crushed on earnings last week (due to worries over ad growth, currency swings and continued heavy investments) and hasn’t been able to find its footing since. We don’t think the stock is headed down 50%, but such a massive drop is a major sign that perception has changed for the worse.

Michael Cintolo, Cabot Growth Investor,, 978-745-5532, May 6, 2015