The market remains in a firm uptrend, with lots of leading stocks acting well. True, there have been a few potholes (we had to sell one stock in the Model Portfolio this week), and with earnings season underway, there’s sure to be plenty of volatility in the weeks ahead. But our market timing indicators, which served us very well in both the bear of 2008 and the bull of 2009, continue to point up. So you should remain bullish. In tonight’s Letter, we provide a chart lesson on page 5 that will help you determine where a stock is within its overall uptrend to help you make better sell decisions. In addition to a review of all our Model Portfolio Stocks, we include a few new ideas on page 4 (including one recently public stock that’s highly leveraged to the price of silicon; it’s an intriguing story). Thus, the Letter is full of good information, so open up for all our latest comments.