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Cabot Market Letter Named a Top Market Timing Newsletter by Timer Digest

Cabot Market Letter Editor Michael Cintolo is featured in Timer Digest as Top Ten Timer for six months, one year and two years.

October 26, 2009

Cabot Market Letter Editor

Michael Cintolo is featured in Timer Digest as Top Five Timer for six months, one year and two years, outperforming the S&P 500 by 27%, 46% and 39% respectively.

Cabot Vice President of Investments and Cabot Market Letter editor Michael Cintolo is featured in a cover story in the October 26 issue of Timer Digest. Timer Digest named Cintolo as one of the Top Five Timers for the past six months, one year and two years. Cintolo is the only investment advisor to place in the top five for all three time periods.

Timer Digest has recognized Cabot Market Letter numerous times since it began following the Market Letter in 1986. Cintolo told Timer Digest that the most recent recognition is owed in large part to Cabot Tides, one of several trend following market-timing indicators that he uses for the Market Letter.

Cabot Tides measures the intermediate-term trend of the market by monitoring five major indexes and their corresponding 25-day and 50-day moving averages. Cintolo told Timer Digest, “By using this trend-following approach, we are literally guaranteed never to miss out on a major market upmove, and we’re also guaranteed never to remain heavily invested through a major bear market…automatically putting yourself ahead of 95% of all investors.”

The big test for Cabot Tides came in 2007 and 2008. According to Cintolo, “The indicator flashed red starting in November 2007, and we remained mostly defensive for all of the bear market. In particular, we were in a 90% cash position in early September 2008—so we avoided the crash of the next two months. And we received a new buy signal in late March 2009, catching the new bull move.”

According to Timer Digest, Cabot Market Letter outperformed the S&P 500 by 26.61% over the past six months, by 46.28% for the past year, and by 38.52% for the past two years.

About Cabot
Founded in 1970 with Cabot Market Letter, Cabot is an independent publisher of eight investment advisories serving more than 160,000 individual and professional investors around the world.

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